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[開放時間] 06:00-22:00

​ APP預約 
1. 請下載「長佳智慧運動中心 APP」( IOS系統 / Android系統 ,登入後即可預約場地。
2. App僅開放羽球場及桌、撞球預約。 
3. App開放當日起第4天至第14天之場地預約;於上午 6:00 起開放第14天之場地預約,並同時關閉第3天之場地預約。
     例  7/1 當天可預約  7/4~7/14 的場地,並在 7/2 上午 6:00 起預約 7/5~7/15 的場地。

4. 場地預約每次限制1小時,同帳號一天最多可預約2小時,但是必須為不同場。
5. App採線上信用卡付費,於繳費後若如無法使用場地,請盡速至中心櫃台辦理退費,逾時則不受理退費申請,請參考下方退費流程。

 現場 / 電話預約 
1. 現場及電話可預約3天內之場地 ,並請於1F或3F櫃檯繳費。
2. 請於場地使用當天提前至櫃檯繳費,場地將保留10分鐘,逾時未繳費則釋出該場地之使用權;如需取消預約,請提前2小時來電告知。
3. 使用身障手冊預約者,請遵照本中心場地相關預約規範,若有疑慮請來電洽詢。


中心自111年6月1日起將實施場地預約規範新辦法,規範內容請見 公告



尖峰時段每面490元/小時 (週一到週五18時-22時、週六日12時-22時)
離峰時段每面290元/小時 (週一到週五06時-18時、週六日06時-12時)


1. 如繳費後欲取消場地預約,請本人至中心一樓櫃台辦理;如本人無法至現場辦理,請先填妥「委託書」,並交由受委託人前往中心辦理退費。
2. 場地於使用日前3~7天退費,將酌收20%行政作業費;於場地使用日前2天內恕不退費,亦不提供更換時段之服務。



1. 如有球具租借需求,請至3F櫃台辦理。
2. 如有長租及家教班的需求,歡迎來電至本中心(02)6637-1800 #303、305 球館組。
3. 基於維護廣大市民使用之權利,每人預約各球場上限兩小時(如一小時兩面場或兩面場一小時);若球友人數眾多,得以不同姓名電話進行預約,並不會限制單一球隊使用數量。
4. 本場地以從事羽球運動為主,恕不提供其他運動或活動使用。


7F-羽球場使用須知 Badminton Court Rules

It is everyone’s responsibility to comply with the rules all the time while using the center’s facilities to respect the rights of others.
Please purchase tickets at 1F/3F Reception Counter before using the facility.
Please comply with the rules even in charitable activities as it is for social services purposes.
People with condition below, please do not use the facility: with contagious disease, have had meals within an hour, Hypotension or Hypertension, using alcohol, sleep deprivation, diabetes, hearts disease…etc. Once you feel anything wrong with your body, please do not use the facility.
Please wear proper attire and athletic shoes entering to the badminton court. Wearing slippers, leather shoes, high heels, clogs or any inappropriate shoes are not allowed.
Please do not smoke, drink (except for water), eat, and chew betel nuts or chewing gum in this area.
Please use the facility during the time slot in your rental; it is forbidden to enter without permission.
Please be sure and do not exceed the rental time (even charitable activities) while using the facility to respect the rights of others.
Please be responsible in keeping all your personal belongings in secure locations; the center is not responsible for any lost.
Please comply with rules to sign up any activities held in the area. Do not join any activity without approval.
Personal teaching is not allowed.
Non-athletic events approved by the center need to apply with further contracts.
Please leave your photo ID at the service counter if renting/borrowing any equipment.  Please return the equipment to their original positions after use.
We will claim for damage caused by miscues. (Please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
In order to maintain the facility and for your safety, if there is violation or injure caused by disobeying the coach, or any personal issue, we will stop you to use any facility right away without compensation.
Photography, videography, poster hanging, flags hanging, and labeling and other such behaviors are forbidden without our approval.
We do not recommend entering the facility with your pets, while guide dogs are welcome.
 •館內插座不提供給個人使用。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
Electrical sockets are reserved for events or venue rental with additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
The center reserved the right to add or revised the rules by announcement on site or staff’s explanations. Staffs on duty have the right to stop improper using without compensation even forbidden who violated the rule to enter. 
To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry the wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hats) before entering the area.