跑步機 | 階梯機 | 直立式腳踏車 | 橢圓運動機 | 坐式胸部推舉機 | 肱二頭彎舉機 | 三頭肌伸張訓練機 背部伸張機 | 史密斯訓練機 | 啞鈴組…等各式訓練器材
公益優惠資訊:長者、低收入戶 其他公益資訊
1. 設籍新北市年滿65歲以上民眾
2. 設籍新北市年滿55歲以上之原住民長者
3. 設籍新北市低收入戶民眾
[公益優惠] 公益時段免費使用游泳池及體適能中心。
平日 (每週一~五) 上午 8:00~10:00、下午 14:00~16:00
假日 (每週六、日及國定假日) 上午 8:00~10:00
1. 符合公益資格之長者,請攜帶新北市敬老悠遊卡,至一樓櫃台填寫基本資料及卡片綁定;於公益時段使用時,至泳池或體適能中心入口處,感應此卡入場。
2. 符合公益資格之低收入戶者,請至櫃檯出示相關證明證件,即可取票入場。
[適用對象] 身心障礙者及其監護人或必要之陪伴者一人。
[公益優惠] 全時段免費使用游泳池及體適能中心。
[使用辦法] 請至櫃檯登記並出示相關證明證件,即可取票入場。
[注意事項] 陪同者須與身障者同時進出,建議陪同者應具有輔助身心障礙者運動的能力,並負起維護安全的責任,以提供身心障礙者必要的協助。
優待票:25元/時 (年滿65歲以上之長者,須出示證件。)
學生票:40元/時 (年滿16歲以上之學生,須出示有效學生證。)
身體組成分析檢測(TANITA系統 MC-780MA):200元/次
信用卡 (VISA / MasterCard)
Google pay
Apple pay
- 入場務必攜帶毛巾、著運動服及運動鞋,如無依照規定不得入場。
- 束口袋、超過A4大小的包包禁止攜入,或請放置於收費置物櫃 $10/次/天,押金100元,至3F櫃台歸還鑰匙後退押金。
- 未滿16歲不得入場。
Gym Rules
Members should beware of own health conditions when using each facility and ask for guidance from instructors to correctly use the facilities for the first time. Please understand and follow rules for each facility and be fully responsible for your own safety.
It is everyone’s responsibility to follow all the rules while using the center’s facilities in respect of the rights of all users.
People under 16 years-old are not allowed to enter.
Please follow the rules during Public Charity session as it is for social services purposes.
It is everyone’s responsibility to have a physical checkup periodically so that your physician can suggest you the suitable types of exercises. For your personal health and safety reasons, please inform on-site instructor that you understand your health condition before you begin exercise in case you need assistance.
People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to use the facility.
Please bring in your sweat towel and wear appropriate exercise clothing and soft-sole athletic shoes and do not wear slippers, leather shoes, high-heels, clogs or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility.
Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the place.
Please pay attention and do not exceed the rental time (including public charity time session) while using the facility in respect of the rights of others.
•個人物品請置放於投幣式置物櫃內以便管理,限當天使用,違者清空。 如有遺失自行負責。
Please place all personal belongings in the open or coin lockers limited to the day. The center is not responsible for any lost items.
Please register for any planned activities in the facility and do not use the facility at your own will.
Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
Please leave your photo ID at the service counter before renting/borrowing any equipment. Please return to their original positions after use.
Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation (please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
Warming up and stretching are highly recommended before using any equipment. You may seek on-site professional help for exercise planning or consultation.
Please notify the staff on site should you feel ill at anytime
Please bring your own towel to wipe off any sweat on the equipment after each use and return the equipment to its original position.
•使用重訓器材槓片時請小心輕放。 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。
Do not drop weights on the floor. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.
Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
Guide dogs welcome, no pets allowed.
•館內插座不提供給個人使用。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
Electrical sockets are reserved only for events or venue rental under the condition of payment of an additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.
To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry all wet items(i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hat) before entering into the area.