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 體適能家教班  詳細介紹請至官網 > 運動課程 > 課程簡介 > 家教課程



Classroom Rules

  1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
    It is everyone’s responsibility to follow all the rules while using the center’s facilities in respect of the rights of all users.
  2. 患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、傳染病、飯後1小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者,禁止參加各項課程。
    People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to participate in any paid-lessons.
  3. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料入場(飲用水除外)。
    Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the place.
  4. 當您計畫進行較多的身體活動時,為維護您個人健康、安全的理由,應自行完成健康檢查及請醫師為您建議適合之運動項目,並請主動告知現場教練已瞭解健康狀況,如有需要時方能協助。
    It is everyone’s responsibility to have a physical checkup periodically so that your physician can suggest you the suitable types of exercises. For your personal health and safety reasons, please inform on-site instructor that you understand your health condition before you begin exercise in case you need assistance.
  5. 請遵守課堂老師之指導,上課開始15分鐘後,請勿進場。
    Please follow class rules at all time, admission is not allowed 15 minutes after class has begun.
  6. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及乾淨運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其它不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
    Please wear appropriate sports clothing and a clean sports shoes, do not wear slippers, shoes, high heels, clogs or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility.
  7. 如有任何不適,請立即通知服務人員。
    Please notify the staff on site should you feel ill at any time.
  8. 本教室為本中心運動研習專用場地,非本課程學員禁止擅自進入;使用本場地請事先申請,始可入場使用。使用本教室時,請注意使用時間勿超時佔用。
    The facility is reserved for paid-users for specific purposes; anyone needs to register for the facility first before using it. Please pay attention and do not exceed the rental time.
  9. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
    Contract and facility rental process should be in place for any non-athletic events approved by the center.
  10. 本教室所舉辦的各項課程及活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下它用。
    Please register for any planned activities in the facility and do not use the facility at your own will.
  11. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為。
    Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
  12. 請勿擅自調整視聽音響及空調裝置,如有需求請告知服務人員。
    Please do not temper with audio and video equipment and also air conditioner, should you have any needs, please contact the staff.
  13. 如有租借/使用各項器材(需押有照片的證件),於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
    Please place any equipment which are rented or used back to their original positions after use.
  14. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。
    Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation.
  15. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
    Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
  16. 請共同維繫運動精神,避免不必要之肢體碰觸。
    Please keep a good sports spirit, avoid all physical contact.
  17. 個人物品請置放於開放式或投幣式置物櫃內以便管理,限當天使用,違者清空。
    Please place all personal belongings in the open or coin lockers limited to the day.
  18. 個人貴重物品、財物請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
    Please be responsible in keeping all your own important personal belongings in secured locations; the center is not responsible for any lost items.
  19. 禁止攜帶雨具及寵物進入中心,輔助盲人同胞的導盲犬不在此限。
    Rain gear and Pets are not allowed. Guide dog that help blind people are not limited.
  20. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入中心,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。
    To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry all wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hat) before entering into the area.
  21. 未經同意禁止使用館內插座,如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
    Electrical sockets are reserved only for events or venue rental under the condition of payment of an additional fee;personal use is not allowed.
  22. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或服務人員說明為準。
    The Center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule.