[開放時間] 6 : 00 - 22 : 00
平日 (每週一~五) - 上午 10 : 00~10 : 30|下午 16 : 00~16 : 30
假日 (每週六、日及國定假日、寒暑假) - 上午 10 : 00~10 : 30
1. 於清場時間結束前仍未離場之民眾,須至1F櫃台補票。
2. 於清場後若要再次進入泳池,請至1F櫃台再次購票。
● 室內溫水游泳池:8水道25公尺長標準水道,水深120~135cm。
● SPA專用水療池:33°C ±1°C / 水深80cm
● 兒童池:32°C ±1°C / 水深60cm
● 男/女熱水池:36°C~38°C / 水深80cm
● 男/女冷水池:常溫 / 水深80cm
● 男/女專用蒸氣室:42°C
● 男/女專用烤箱:60°C
● 溫水游泳池設有無障礙入水椅及無障礙坡道
● 無障礙廁所暨無障礙淋浴間
● 無障礙出入口
全 票:100元 / 次
學生票:75元 / 次 (年滿13歲以上學生,須出示有效學生證。)
優待票:50元 / 次 (年滿65歲以上之長者,須出示證件。)
4歲~12歲兒童票:50元/次 (須出示健保卡證明。)
* 12歲以下兒童入場,須有成年人陪同,陪同者不下水可購買陪同票50元。
* 未滿7歲之幼童入場,均須有成年人購票陪同下水。 (法定成年人年齡為18歲以上)
陪同票:50元 / 次 (僅供池畔陪同,不可使用游泳池設施。)
月會員:1500元 / 35天 (自申辦當日起算不限次數、時間,限本人使用。)
優惠券:2700元 / 30張 / 效期90天 (不限本人使用,逾期須補足差額。)
1. 設籍新北市年滿65歲以上民眾
2. 設籍新北市年滿55歲以上之原住民長者
3. 設籍新北市低收入戶民眾
[公益優惠] 公益時段可免費使用游泳池及體適能中心。
平日 (每週一~五) 上午 8:00~10:00、下午 14:00~16:00
假日 (每週六、日及國定假日) 上午 8:00~10:00
備註 寒、暑假及國定假日,取消下午公益時段優惠;[假日定義]依行政院人事行政局公告為主。
1. 符合公益資格之長者,請攜帶新北市敬老悠遊卡,至一樓櫃台填寫基本資料及卡片綁定;於公益時段使用時,至泳池或體適能中心入口處,感應此卡入場。
2. 符合公益資格之低收入戶者,請至櫃檯出示相關證明證件,即可取票入場。
[適用對象] 身心障礙者及其監護人或必要之陪伴者一人。
[公益優惠] 全時段免費使用游泳池及體適能中心。
[使用辦法] 請至櫃檯登記並出示相關證明證件,即可取票入場。
[注意事項] 陪同者須與身障者同時進出,建議陪同者應具有輔助身心障礙者運動的能力,並負起維護安全的責任,以提供身心障礙者必要的協助。
- 請至售票櫃檯填寫會員資料並詳閱會員權益
- 請攜帶一張一吋照片
注意事項 :
- 全館禁止飲食。
- 入場務必穿著泳衣、泳帽。
- 購買各項優待票請出示證件作為識別,未出示者以原價收費。
- 12歲以下兒童入場,須有成年人陪同購票入場。
- 依規定12歲以下兒童,不可使用蒸氣、烤箱、SPA池、冷水池、熱水池等設施。
- 優惠券逾期補足全票差額方可使用。
The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.
Users should be aware of own health conditions and are prohibited to use the pool if have any of the following conditions:
Contagious diseases, epilepsy, unconsciousness, skin diseases (skin ulcer, open wounds), multiple sclerosis, fever over 37℃ and any other ill conditions.
Taken meal within 1 hour before, drunken state, sleep deprivation, impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions.
Unstable blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.
People with disability manuals need to be accompanied by adults for the entire time inside the pool.
Elderly above 65 years old are recommended to be accompanied by family or company and to avoid using the pool for extended period of time.
Please follow the rules during Public Charity session as it is for social services purposes.
Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
Children under 6 years-old must be accompanied by parent(s) or guardian(s) for safety reason.
Children under 12 years old are not allowed to use cold and hot pools, steam and sauna, and SPA facilities.
To maintain the quality of water and hygiene, please do not wear shoes/slippers. Do wear body tight swimwear, swimming shorts, swim caps, and swim goggles to enter the pool (inappropriate swim wear, including beach trunks, and clothing with buttons and zippers are not allowed ).
Do not apply sunblock and any cosmetics before entering the pool.
Do not wear glass goggles(eye glasses) or bring any glass containers, porcelain items and other dangerous fragile items into the pool.
The pool lanes are categorized into fast swim lane, long swim lane, and practice swim lane, and each lane prohibits the use of any swimming aids. Details are explained as follow:
Fast swim lane: swim forward on the right side and return on the left side, stopping in the middle or at the edge is not allowed.
Long swim lane: swim forward on the right side and return on the left side, stopping in the middle is not allowed, and resting at the edge cannot exceed 30 seconds.
Practice swim lane: users can practice swimming other than center class session.
Do not dive, run, jump, jostle, play around, or any behavior that would affect others in the pool area.
Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
Please place all personal belongings in the open or coin lockers limited to the day. Do not place any items for holding seats in the pool area; the center is not responsible for any lost items.
When the number of people using the facility is greater than usual, the center will monitor limitation control accordingly.
All the rules should be followed as indicated specifically for each area of the pool. Lifeguards reserve the right to prohibit users' action that threaten their safety, and to expel users from the pool area should the users not cooperate.
The Center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules